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Climb up through a narrow canyon, past the town of Jerry, to emerge on the high plateau amongst farms and ending at the community of Cloverland on this 28-mile trip.

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This was a cluster of nondescript buildings, named for Jerry McGuire, a burly Irishman who settled here with his Native American wife in the early 1870s. Horses were then in great demand for pack trains and stagecoaches and soon the hills were filled with half-wild mustangs and cayuses, the band at one time numbering more than 1,000, all marked with McGuire’s brand—the head of a horse. The place was named...

Learn more about Jerry

After winding up a steep grade that traverses miles and miles of wheat farms to arrive at Cloverland, surrounded by irrigated orchards, wheat farms, and stock ranches, is the center of activity for a population of about 300 people. A town site plat was filed February 26, 1903 and a post office established soon thereafter. The name of the post office was selected by ranchers who expected to raise crops...

Learn more about Cloverland Grange
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Cloverland Grange