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This 86-mile route guides you through an area of large farms, usually planted to wheat. At widely spaced intervals are farmhouses, flanked by huge barns. Long steep grades, sweeping curves, and stretches of level road mark the route.

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South of Dusty the country begins to level out between diminishing and receding hills. For several miles the highway follows Alkali Creek, dry except during spring freshets. Then hills begin again, low-lying and planted to wheat or left fallow. Since this section of Whitman County is swept by strong southwesterly winds, strip farming is widely practiced. The hills grow steeper, and the highway twists and turns as it descends a...

Learn more about Alkali Creek

Mile: 22

The Snake River bridge, today called Central Ferry Bridge, is a steel span that straddles the river, which is very wide at this point. For many years prior to the completion of the bridge, a ferry operated by Robert L. Young connected Whitman and Garfield Counties. The existing bridge was constructed in 1968 to replace an earlier bridge before the reservoir behind Little Goose Dam filled. Leaving the river, the...

Learn more about Peyton

Mile: 10