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Inland Empire

A 45-mile loop through a variety of towns and featuring interesting structures—including a rare, well-preserved, pioneer-era log cabin, a flour mill, a city hall, and the home of historically notable state politician, Robert Crampton McCroskey—that eventually reconnects with the main tour.

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Key waypoints and Main Street communities along the tour leg. Sites you do not want to miss!

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Point of interest along the tour leg.

Swinging southeast, the tour winds around the slopes of low hills that are cultivated to their very summits. On every hand is evidence of the stability of agriculture in this region: except for an occasional splash of yellow-blooming mustard, the fields are almost free of weeds; houses, barns, and outbuildings are neat and substantial; fence posts are erect and securely set and the strands of barbed wire are taut; new...

Learn more about Naff Ridge

Mile: 4

The town of Oakesdale was established in the mid-1880s by James McCoy and was for several years little more than a small farming village that spread over a shallow valley. A small, compact business district centered in a few blocks along the highway, and along the railroad tracks were grain elevators, warehouses, and feed stores. Shading the quiet residential streets were large trees, many of them planted by the early...

Learn more about Oaksdale
Points of Interest
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Barron Flour Mill

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Oaksdale City Hall

Mile: 36

The original dwelling on the 320-acre homestead established by John F. Kelley and his brother, Major Joseph N. Kelley in 1872. Major Kelley had been in Washington Territory since 1870 as a United States Army officer and as a territorial Native American agent. John F. Kelley arrived in the Farmington area of Eastern Washington from New York in 1871. The cabin is believed to have been occupied from 1872 until...

Learn more about Kelley Homestead Cabin

Mile: 33

Like most of the towns of Whitman County, the city had an air of permanency. The men and women who first settled here came to find homes; some came directly from the south and east; others hesitated for a short time in the Walla Walla country, crossing the Snake River after the danger of attack by Native American bands had passed. Many of the farmers as of 1941 were the...

Learn more about Garfield
Points of Interest
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McCroskey House

Mile: 24

The third-largest city in Whitman County, this was the commercial hub of the North Palouse River valley. The stream, which runs through the center of the town, is bordered by several blocks of one-story and two-story business buildings, and warehouses, industrial plants, and the railroad tracks. Wide paved streets lead to pleasant residential districts on the slopes of the hills that crowd down upon the town. In the course of...

Learn more about Palouse
Points of Interest
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Palouse Main Street Historic District

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Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

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F Street Bridge

Mile: 15

Home of the Washington State University, and a commercial, grain storage, and shipping center, lies on the eastern edge of the wheat belt, only six miles west of the Idaho Line. On three sides of the town are the fertile, treeless hills of the Palouse, and on the east, beyond a rolling plain, are the forested foothills of the Moscow Mountains. Flowing through the town in a northwesterly direction is...

Learn more about Pullman
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Washington State University

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E. A. Bryan Hall

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College Hall

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Albert W. Thompson Hall

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Rogers Field and Athletic Plant

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The State Farm

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College Hill Historic District

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Star Route and Palouse Street Brick Road

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Hutchison Studio

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Pullman Post Office

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Cordova Theater