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This 7 mile side trip is a loop out along Admiralty Bay out to Fort Casey and Keystone on Admiralty Head.

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A ferry terminal on the north shore of Admiralty Bay at the east end of Crocketts Lake. Fort Casey State Park is on the bluff above Keystone. The present name for the terminal, without particular significance, was chosen when the boom town of New Chicago faded in the 1893 panic. That town, on the site of Keystone, was to have been the western terminus of Chicago & Skagit Valley Railroad,...

Learn more about Keystone

Mile: 13

A coastal defense fort on the western side Whidbey Island at Admiralty Head directly west of Admiralty Bay. When established in 1898, it had ten batteries of coast artillery and was inactive in 1950. It is now a Washington State Park and has with two restored guns. It was named by army officials for Brig. Gen. Thomas Lincoln Casey, once Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army whose father Silas Casey once...

Learn more about Fort Casey