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Lummi Island

This 31 side trip includes a ferry crossing as it winds out along the shoreline to reach Lummi Island.

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The Eldridge Mansion is a large residence in the Chateau Style, completed in 1927. The homesite was the ancestral home to the Eldridge family since early Pacific Northwest pioneer and patriarch Edward Eldridge and wife Teresa stalked a donation land claim to the property in 1853. Since then, the site has seen three mansions built on the grounds. Teresa Eldridge was the first known female Caucasian resident in the region...

Learn more about Eldridge Homesite and Mansion

A cluster of weather-beaten houses once occupied by families employed in the Bellingham mills or in fishing. Perched above the piles of driftwood on the beach were a number of shacks, where squatters led a hermit-like life. Gulls drift and soar, white wings flashing against the grey of stormy skies as they wheel and tack and soar with the gale, or swoop down, feet dangling like the landing gear of...

Learn more about Marietta

The Beach Store is named for pioneer homesteader John (Wade) Beach. In 1901, Elizabeth M. Richards acquired the property and had a large new grocery built with an apartment behind and a large meeting room upstairs. The store became the Island’s post office that year and remained so until 1941. During the years the post office was housed in the Beach Store, letters going to the island were addressed to...

Learn more about Beach Store