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This 60 mile side trip follows a scenic byway out along highway 508 along north fork of Tilton River through several small communities.

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A company town once owned by the Carlisle Lumber Company, and the former location of the Carlisle Lumber Plant, once the largest lumber mill in Lewis County, with an output at full capacity of 150,000 board feet a day. By the 1940s, rows of uniform, drab houses, owned by the company, were separated from the mill by a high board fence topped by barbed wire. As usual in such one-industry...

Learn more about Onalaska

Mile: 9

Located at the foot of Cutler Mountain, a high, forested, loaf-shaped bluff, sprawls along the highway and the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad at the edge of the Tilton River Valley. It was an enterprising town, named after Benjamin Harrison’s Vice President, Levi P. Morton and by the 1940s earned most of its income from logging operations in the adjacent forests and the milling of...

Learn more about Morton

Mile: 33