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Drive this 26-mile round trip that brings you to some interesting features, including fish screens, ns, Power Flume, Connell Prairie Block House Monument, Sumner.

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The road bridges a flume, beginning of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company’s power canal to near-by Lake Tapps. Water from the White River, which flows north of the road, forms an artificial lake here. In the canal, set in the concrete dam, are eight rotary fish screens, reputedly the largest in the world, which prevent fish from entering the flume, saving from death thousands each year. Each of...

Learn more about Rotary Fish Screens

West of the orchard the highway, when it is not bordered with groves of trees, presents a vista of rambling old farmhouses in wide fields touched with the gold of yellow mustard and buttercups. The highway crosses a planked Power Flume, through which the water from White River is still conveyed to Tapps and thence to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company’s power houses at Dieringer.

Learn more about Planked Power Flume

After passing chicken houses, long and barrack-like, the highway reaches Connell Prairie Block House, on the brow of a small terrace-like bench overlooking Connell Prairie. The old blockhouse is made of cedar logs, split so that the inner wall is comparatively flat, and chinked with moss. Such nails as were used in its construction are of the old square cut type. Rocks piled around the base of the structure when...

Learn more about Connell Prairie Block House

Named by the Hon. L. F. Thompson, for Sen. Charles Sumner, when the first post office was established in 1876. Other versions of the name origin exist. It was one of the first settled areas in Pierce County and until around 1941 was focused on agriculture and then redeveloped into a modern community taking advantage of improvements to transportation. Known as the Rhubarb Pie Capital of the World, Sumner remains...

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Herbert Williams House

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Sidney Williams House

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George Ryan House