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This 60 mile side trip cuts out through the narrow Washtucna Coulee to Washtucna.

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The first settler, Jon Harder, arrived in the 1890s. The town was platted by Hardersburg Townsite & Improvement Company in June of 1901 as Hardersburg. The town was at first called Hardersburg but the post office department objected to the length of the name. The name was later changed to the Native American name, which means "...hole in the ground..." and refers to nearby deep springs. Another translation of the...

Learn more about Kahlotus

Mile: 25

A scattered, two-street village squeezed into a bend of the coulee. In the early 1890s, it was founded by the L. L. Bassett family. The name is taken from a Native American word said to mean "many waters," and was given by the Palouse people to a large spring on the town site. Local tradition states that the town and valley were named for Chief Washtucna, who is not otherwise...

Learn more about Washtucna

Mile: 39