This was the second fort of that name established in Stevens County, the first was established by the Hudson’s Bay Company adjacent to the St. Paul’s Mission near Kettle Falls.
First known as Harney’s Depot, in honor of General Henry S. Harney, who in 1858 opened the district north of the Snake River to white settlers, the fort was built in 1859 on a flat skirted by Mill Creek Adjacent to the fort was Pinkney City, the first seat of Stevens County, named after Major Pinkney Louganbeel, commander of a battalion of the Ninth Infantry, which first occupied the fort.
The fort was occupied on June 21, 1859, by several companies of the 9th, U.S. Infantry, commanded by Maj. Pinckney Lougenbeel. In 1868, the name was changed to Fort Colville by an act of the Territorial Legislature. It is shown on older maps a Pinkney City, Fort Colville and Old Colville.
Today a heritage marker indicates the site.