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Danny Woo Community Garden (#19)

In the center of the District’s Nihonmachi (Japantown), Uncle Bob Santos found a vacant, blackberry-covered slope that backed up against the I-5 freeway. Local businessman and property owner Danny Woo generously agreed to rent the property to InterIm Community Development Association for just a dollar a year. After hours of hard work by hundreds of local volunteers and activists, the garden welcomed its first elder gardeners with 40 garden plots in 1975. Over the past four decades, the number of plots has more than doubled to nearly 90, and the garden has grown to one and a half acres.


Entrance sign along Main Street. Be sure to check out the nearby mural by artist Kenji Hamai Stoll, also along Main Street. Photo by Michael B. Maine. Wing Luke Museum Collection. 

Path leads up to the terraced garden. Photo by Michael B. Maine. Wing Luke Museum Collection. 

Neighborhood residents tend their garden plots year-round. Photo by Michael B. Maine. Wing Luke Museum Collection. 

Garden sculpture by Alessandra Panieri, installed in the Children’s Garden in 2017. Photo by Michael B. Maine. Wing Luke Museum Collection. 

Additional signage reflects community love and care for the garden. Photo by Michael B. Maine. Wing Luke Museum Collection.