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A colorful summer village on the east shore, founded in 1879 by three Methodist clergymen, Ellis, Green, and Harrison, who took up homesteads.

The town sits on Tramp Harbor. Its first name was Chautauqua, chosen when the local Chautauqua Assembly selected this place as a permanent home. The present name is for a clergyman named Ellis, who arrived in 1879 as a homesteader and founder of the settlement; It first was called Elliston, but was later altered to the present form.

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Point Heyer

Directly north of Ellisport is Point Heyer, named Heyer’s Point by Cmdr. Charles Wilkes in 1841 for one of his quartermasters, Henry R. Heyer. Station KVI, at the time a Tacoma broadcasting company, erected its transmission tower here, a steel structure rising from the beach to a height of 444 feet. The tower still exists today, though KVI’s studios moved to Seattle in 1949.