The Elwha River Bridge was constructed in 1913 as part of an effort to link the Olympic Peninsula with the rest of the State by wagon roads which would “serve the tourist as well as the agricultural and lumbering interests.” The emphasis that the county placed on bridge and road construction at this time is reflected in the fact that about $350,000 of the $496,000 that was spent on bridge and road construction during the 1913-1915 biennium was raised through direct taxation. In order to complete an east and west road from the Jefferson County line to the Pacific Ocean, the county contracted the Portland Bridge Company to erect a two-span riveted carbon steel Warren deck truss over the Elwha River. The steel for the two 210 foot trusses was fabricated by the Northwest Steel Company. The 576 foot bridge also includes two timber approach spans. It supports a roadway 12.5 feet wide, curb to curb, and rests on concrete abutments 45 feet above the river.
Elwha River Bridge
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