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Enloe Dam

Completed in 1922, the Enloe Dam was constructed above the falls together with the brick power house on the south side of the river by Eugene Enloe, owner of the Okanogan Valley Power and Light Company. he falls together with the brick power house on the south side of the river. The original plant was shut down and the operators transferred across the river, necessitating the use of a suspension bridge for access to the new plant. The dam greatly increased the power supply down river to Oroville-Tonasket as well as to Golden and this new source of power was eventually connected to the Enloe plant at Pateros to supplement the power supply for the Methow Valley.

In 1923, a second generating unit was installed at the dam site when the Enloe system was purchased by the Washington Water Power Co. a road was constructed from Oroville and three cottages overlooking the dam were built as residences for the operators. The Okanogan PUD which bought out the Washington Water Power Co. in 1942 shut down the generators at Enloe Dam on July 29, 1958 when Bonneville Power Administration transmission lines became operable in the area.
