A city with wide, well-lighted and paved streets, it was founded in 1906, during the wholesale town-building and real-estate promotion era. Division Street is the main business thoroughfare, bounded on either side by substantial, two-story business buildings. There were few frame structures. The snow-capped volcanic peaks of Mount Adams and Mount Rainier are signal points in the view for which the town was named. Benefited by the Yakima Irrigation Project, Grandview is the second most important shipping point in the Yakima Valley for fruit, alfalfa, sugar beets, garden truck, and dairy products. When it was platted in 1906, the name was given to the town site. Elza Dean and F. L. Pittman, members of the town site company, agreed that the place offered a magnificent view of Mt. Adams, Mt. Rainier, and other features in the Cascade Range.
Points of Interest 
Grandview City Parks
The Grandview City Parks, in the east side of town and in the west, were provided with wading pools and recreational equipment. The west side park had an open gas stove and picnic facilities. Today, fire pits have replaced the open gas stove at the west-side park and the wading pools were removed.
Morse House
Lived in by the members of the Morse Family for more than 80 years, the Chauncey O. Morse House is a Craftsman style bungalow built in 1910. It was home to one of Grandview’s early pioneers; the first dwelling in the city to receive indoor plumbing, electricity, and telephone service. The design for the home was purchased fromE.W. Stillwell and Company of Los Angeles, California. Duplicate designs of this house can be found in Spokane and Aberdeen, attesting to the influence of the Stillwell Home Plans Company.
Howay-Dykstra House
The Howay-Dykstra House is the most significant example of twentieth century domestic architecture in Grandview. Constructed about 1920, the house is an eclectic example of the Arts and Crafts style. J.W. Howay built the home and sold it to Dykstra in 1938. Dykstra was very active in the Grandview community, serving on the City Council for 15 years and as mayor for 14 years.
Grandview Herald Building
A rectangular, one-story brick structure that housed the offices and printing facilities of the local newspaper. Constructed in 1922, the simple brick box is distinguished by the classical pediment.
Iowa Building
An early twentieth century commercial structure, built in 1911, noted for its ornate brickwork. It housed several businesses throughout the years, and in 1914, the community library was established in one of the storefronts. In 1937, A.M. Garrison purchased the building and converted the second floor into apartments.
E.O. Keck Building
A dominant feature on the downtown streetscape. Constructed in 1910, the building was distinguished by its size (two stories) and ornamentation. The retail bays were altered in the 1950s, but it continues to be one of the two best examples of the first years of commercial development in the city. In addition to several businesses, the community library took up residence in the late teens, as did the Grandview Post Office in 1931.
Grandview City Hall
A one-story brick veneer building. The most significant civic building in town, construction was completed in 1937 with the help of the Public Works Administration.
Grandview State Bank
A one-story rectangular building with a sandstone veneer, located at the principal intersection in downtown Grandview. It is the finest example of Neoclassical architecture in the city. Construction of the bank in 1918 signaled a coming-of-age for a business that had its roots in Grandview’s founding.
Grandview High School
Constructed in 1937 with the assistance of the WPA, the school is an important building in the educational history of the city. The brick school was the first structure built exclusively to serve as the community high school and for many years was the focal point of education in the community.
Points of Interest 
Grandview City Parks
The Grandview City Parks, in the east side of town and in the west, were provided with wading pools and recreational equipment. The west side park had an open gas stove and picnic facilities. Today, fire pits have replaced the open gas stove at the west-side park and the wading pools were removed.
Morse House
Lived in by the members of the Morse Family for more than 80 years, the Chauncey O. Morse House is a Craftsman style bungalow built in 1910. It was home to one of Grandview’s early pioneers; the first dwelling in the city to receive indoor plumbing, electricity, and telephone service. The design for the home was purchased fromE.W. Stillwell and Company of Los Angeles, California. Duplicate designs of this house can be found in Spokane and Aberdeen, attesting to the influence of the Stillwell Home Plans Company.
Howay-Dykstra House
The Howay-Dykstra House is the most significant example of twentieth century domestic architecture in Grandview. Constructed about 1920, the house is an eclectic example of the Arts and Crafts style. J.W. Howay built the home and sold it to Dykstra in 1938. Dykstra was very active in the Grandview community, serving on the City Council for 15 years and as mayor for 14 years.
Grandview Herald Building
A rectangular, one-story brick structure that housed the offices and printing facilities of the local newspaper. Constructed in 1922, the simple brick box is distinguished by the classical pediment.
Iowa Building
An early twentieth century commercial structure, built in 1911, noted for its ornate brickwork. It housed several businesses throughout the years, and in 1914, the community library was established in one of the storefronts. In 1937, A.M. Garrison purchased the building and converted the second floor into apartments.
E.O. Keck Building
A dominant feature on the downtown streetscape. Constructed in 1910, the building was distinguished by its size (two stories) and ornamentation. The retail bays were altered in the 1950s, but it continues to be one of the two best examples of the first years of commercial development in the city. In addition to several businesses, the community library took up residence in the late teens, as did the Grandview Post Office in 1931.
Grandview City Hall
A one-story brick veneer building. The most significant civic building in town, construction was completed in 1937 with the help of the Public Works Administration.
Grandview State Bank
A one-story rectangular building with a sandstone veneer, located at the principal intersection in downtown Grandview. It is the finest example of Neoclassical architecture in the city. Construction of the bank in 1918 signaled a coming-of-age for a business that had its roots in Grandview’s founding.
Grandview High School
Constructed in 1937 with the assistance of the WPA, the school is an important building in the educational history of the city. The brick school was the first structure built exclusively to serve as the community high school and for many years was the focal point of education in the community.