Memaloose (Ind. “place of the dead”) Island a desolate basalt isle a few hundred feet out in the river. For centuries, the Indians built platforms here and placed the dead and their possessions upon them. On the island, facing the south, the large white Trevitt Monument commemorates Vic Trevitt, a pioneer of The Dalles, who chose to be buried on the island sacred to his Indian friends. Many years ago he and two other pioneers, John Martin and Amos Underwood, began a discussion of death while drinking in a Dalles saloon; they formed a compact to be buried together on the island, Trevitt asserting that he wanted to sleep among honest people. He was the only one of the three whose friends or relatives would honor the agreement; after his death in San Francisco his remains were shipped to the island. Today, Memaloose Island is an Oregon State Park, which now serves as campgrounds. The Trevitt Monument still stands.