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Ocean Park

The center was founded as a resort by Ocean Park Camp Meeting Association in 1888 as a Christian summer resort for members. Sponsored by the Taylor Street Methodist Church in Portland, Oregon, it was named by Rev. William R. Osborn for Ocean Park, New Jersey, which he also founded and named.

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The Wreckage

Along the main street is the Wreckage, a house built of material cast up on the beach: logs, planks, and shingle bolts. Furniture is constructed of curious bits of bleached driftwood and grotesquely shaped fragments of flotsam. Built in 1912, it was the product of an inventive mind stimulated by the character of the environment. It has been a coastal landmark from the day Guy S. Allison, author and educator, finished building it. In the decades since it was built it has been used as the setting of a popular novel and several short stories and it inspired the builder to create several pieces of vernacular art. Today, it is a visible reminder of the energetic formative years of one of Washington’s earliest ocean beach resorts.
