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The town is on the Quinault Indian Reservation and is tribal headquarters. The name is the tribal designation, Kwle-ni-lth or Wi-ni-nlth. In 1787, the river was named by Capt. Charles William Barkley for the Quinault Indian people who lived along the river and at its mouth.

A post office, several stores, garages, restaurants, comfortable cabin camps, and resorts dot the lake’s shores. From here, guides lead hikers along wilderness trails to glacial peaks, waterfalls, elk country, and hunting areas and fishing spots.

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Quinault Lodge

The Lake Quinault Lodge is significant architecturally for its rustic design and handmade detailing and appointments, which are of a caliber consistent with the other great landmarks of Pacific Northwest rustic architecture. The structure also occupies a high place in the recreational heritage of the Washington peninsula, and of the adjacent Olympic National Park. a long brown and white three-story hotel, built in 1926, overlooks the lake, from the southern end of which the Quinault River flows westward to Taholah, on the ocean beach. The hotel, Lake Quinault Lodge, is today listed in the National Register of Historic Places—it was constructed in only ten weeks time, replacing an earlier hotel that burned in 1921.
