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Washington Hall (#22)

Built in 1908, Washington Hall has hosted musicians and speakers such as Billie Holiday, Jimi Hendrix, and W.E.B. Du Bois. Performances have ranged from Danish and Yiddish theatrical productions in the 1910s to Filipino Youth Club dances in the 1930s and even boxing matches in the 1950s. Historic Seattle acquired the building in June 2009, and it continues to serve as a hub for social and cultural activities for an array of communities. It is currently home to 206 Zulu, Hidmo, and Voices Rising.


Washington Hall includes community gathering spaces at the street level, offices, and an upper-level performance hall. Photo by Michael B. Maine. Wing Luke Museum Collection.

Look for the building’s name and construction year proudly on display at the top. Photo by Michael B. Maine. Wing Luke Museum Collection.