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Camano Island

This 43 mile side trip loops out around the picturesque shoreline of Camano Island.

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The tour crosses Davis Slough to Camano Island, on which are many summer homes, resorts, and small farms. The waters around the island are noted for excellent salmon fishing. This long, narrow island east of Whidbey Island, Island County is bounded on the north by Skagit Bay, on the east by Port Susan, on the south by Possession Sound, and on the west by Saratoga Passage at its northeast tip....

Learn more about Camano Island

Mile: 3

In the 1860s, Utsaladdy was a sizable city, manufacturing and shipping lumber; shipbuilders here produced many boats for Puget Sound shipping, including the J. B. Libby, a side-wheeler, and the Cascades, a large stern-wheeler.  Today Utsaladdy is a small seaside community of mostly residential homes. The name is a distortion of an Native American word which means "place of the berries." The Chinook Jargon word Ollalie first referred to salmon...

Learn more about Utsaladdy

An unusually extensive and intact example of an early 20th century auto-era resort, and a state park. Owned and operated continuously by one family from 1934 through 1989, the resort property has undergone very little physical change over the years. The property illustrates the early age of recreational auto travel in the state, as well as the emergence of middle-class destination vacationing.

Learn more about Cama Beach Resort

The dairy consists of two connected barns, a hay and a dairy barn, both built in 1914 and sited adjacent to one another for functional reasons. The connecting enclosed breezeway was added in 1938 and marks a shift in feeding practices and functional needs. The barns are distinctive of early 20th century craftsmanship and are among the largest and most visible barns on Camano Island. The barns convey the early...

Learn more about Kristoferson Dairy