La Push
This side 38 mile trip extends out to the Quillayute Native American Reservation. It was designated in the Quinault River Treaty of July 1, 1855, and was established by an executive order dated February 19, 1889.
This side 38 mile trip extends out to the Quillayute Native American Reservation. It was designated in the Quinault River Treaty of July 1, 1855, and was established by an executive order dated February 19, 1889.
The tour drives along the Calawah River through the Sol Duc Valley where in the 1940s it passed stump lands and a heavily forested region of large cedars and firs, some of which was logged using “sky-line” outfits. The tour winds through dank forests, where giant firs and cedars in heavy underbrush narrow the road until it seems a shadowed ditch, walled in by high green banks. Logging with a...
Learn more about Calawah RiverMile: 2
A concrete bridge was erected in 1998 to replace the original span. A few hundred feet left of the bridge, the Soleduck and the Bogachiel Rivers converge to form a great pool 50 feet deep and perhaps 200 feet in diameter. From this confluence is formed “The river without a head”—the Quillayute, only six miles long.
Learn more about Sol Duc River BridgeMile: 8
A fishing village at the mouth of the Quillayute river. The first name of the settlement was Boston, as given to the post office by Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Balch, pioneers. It was changed to the present name because postal authorities had too many Bostons in America to content with. The present name was suggested by K. O. Erickson, a Clallam County pioneer, for Parish, Dalarna, Sweden, when he...
Learn more about MoraThe tour extends out to Rialto Beach, part of the Olympic National Park, with notable views of the Seastack rock formation and a trail north along the beach to Hole-in-the-Wall.
Learn more about Rialto BeachA village in the only sheltered cove between Cape Flattery and Grays Harbor at the mouth of Quillayute River. The name is a Chinook Jargon distortion of the French la bouche, meaning the mouth, which refers to the mouth of the river. Other suggested origins of the name, which appear to be less logical or authentic, include the French term la peche, referring to the act of fishing, and the...
Learn more about La Push