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Bordering the road are old orchards, the trees gnarled and blighted, and a few berry fields. In the tidewater flats are rows of stakes which mark extensive oyster beds. Sea fowl circle downward over the calm surface of the water, dip for an instant to seize some bit of floating debris, and then, white wings flashing, soar again. Occasionally, a crane stands motionless on the sands, awaiting some unwary fish....

Learn more about Vaughn

Originally called Home Colony, the town was organized in 1909 by the Mutual Home Association, comprising a group of Socialists and political dissenters. Land was apportioned in two-acre plots, but other assets were administered collectively. A co-operative store flourished, and a newspaper was started by Jay Fox. The first jarring note in this modern Utopia was a controversy originating in a division of opinion over nude bathing. The conflict reached...

Learn more about Home
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Home School

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Von Geldern Cove

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David Dadisman House