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The 25 mile loop extends out through narrow mountain valleys below Chopaka Mountain and reconnects with the main tour.

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Completed in 1922, the Enloe Dam was constructed above the falls together with the brick power house on the south side of the river by Eugene Enloe, owner of the Okanogan Valley Power and Light Company. he falls together with the brick power house on the south side of the river. The original plant was shut down and the operators transferred across the river, necessitating the use of a suspension...

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On the Similkameen River just south of the Canadian boundary, once a boom town, has maintained a semblance of life throughout lean years. Mount Ellemeham looms austerely to the east; Palmer Mountain and Palmer Lake, were once the scene of great mining activity. A post office was opened the name of the nearby Nighthawk Mine was proposed and accepted in 1899. The mine was named for the many birds of...

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It was a booming mining camp in the gold rushes of the 1890s and now focuses on cattle-raising. Named for Julius A. Loomis, first merchant to permanently establish a store there. The area is also the site of the late Guy Waring's ranch. In his book My Pioneer Past, Waring gives a vivid picture of Oroville and Loomis. A friend of Theodore Roosevelt and Owen Wister at Harvard, Waring, after...

Learn more about Loomis