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Saint Josephs Mission

This 24-mile trip takes you through the Ahtanum Valley to Saint Joseph’s Mission along Bachelor Creek at the head of the valley.

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On the edge of the Yakima Indian Reservation and the Ahtanum Creek. The hills of Ahtanum Ridge on the south justify the Indian meaning of the name, “creek by the long mountain.” It was started in 1869 when W. P. Crosno claimed land there. This Indian name applied to Ahtanum Creek meant “creek by the long mountain.” The long mountain was Ahtanum Ridge, which stretches west to east over 16...

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A junction point, this town was named by Wallace Wiley in 1910 for his father, Hugh Wiley, pioneer, upon whose homestead the town was built. In 1871, Hugh Wiley homesteaded there. His son Wallace named the town Wiley City in 1910, when he platted a town site on the Wiley homestead. The name was later shortened to its present form, when the chances of its becoming a city were remote....

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Established in 1847 by the Jesuit fathers. During the Indian Wars of 1855–56, soldiers under Major G. J. Rains, finding the mission deserted and a keg of powder buried in the mission garden, burned the building to the ground, believing that the missionaries were in sympathy with the Indians. The mission was rebuilt in 1872 and stands today in a fair state of preservation, an interesting example of mortise and...

Learn more about Saint Joseph’s Mission