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Shaw Island

This 9 mile side trip loops through the island.

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Shaw Island is between Orcas and Lopez islands in central San Juan County. It was named Shaws Island by the Wilkes Expedition in 1841 for Capt. John D. Shaw, an American hero of the War of 1812, who also fought at Algiers in 1815. The Lummi name for the island was Scom-em-ana, which was their name for a small, oily fish. Blind Bay is on the north shore of Shaw...

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The little red schoolhouse is one of the few remaining one-room schools in use in the State of Washington. It is a wood frame building with clapboard siding and a shake roof. The building is a one-room structure with a bathroom annex on the set side and an entry way on the east side facing Hoffman Cove Road. A bell tower exists over the entry way. In addition to the...

Learn more about Little Red Schoolhouse

The Tharald Homestead, built in 1883, is historically significant as an intact pioneer farm on Shaw Island in San Juan County. The homestead is a representative example of a typical pioneer Scandinavian settlement in Washington State and is noted for its use of "Nordic" style architecture. Moreover, the homestead is one of the best and oldest examples of its kind to survive in all of San Juan County, Washington. In...

Learn more about Tharald Homestead