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Tilton River

This 14 mile side trip runs up the Tilton River to Mineral following the logging railroad path through the valley, passing through logging communities.

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A one-time logging and mining town, formerly called Coal Canyon, consists today of a row of brick cottages, a row of abandoned company shacks on either side of the highway, a store, and the ruins of a mill, nearly obscured by willow and alders. Cascara bark is seen drying on the porches of the cottages. It was founded by Gustaf Lindberg of Tacoma in 1911 who built a shingle mill,...

Learn more about Coal Canyon

Mile: 3

Once a busy sawmill town, it saw a brief resurgence through the 1940s when the Interstate Power and Light Company operated a plant here. Company employees occupied some of the few houses; others were falling into decay along with the abandoned mill. A vacant concrete power station is the only reminder that the power company was once here. The name is for the owner of the first sawmill.

Learn more about Carlson

Mile: 12

Once it had several producing mines the ore from which was used for production of arsenic. It was named for mineral deposits along Mineral Creek a half dozen miles from the town. In the 1940s, on the shores of Mineral Lake one stood a large sawmill and a shingle mill. Byt eh 1940s loggers in the area were employing selective logging technique, employing scientific methods to determine “ripe” timber and...

Learn more about Mineral
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Mineral Lake Lodge