A one-time logging and mining town, formerly called Coal Canyon, consists today of a row of brick cottages, a row of abandoned company shacks on either side of the highway, a store, and the ruins of a mill, nearly obscured by willow and alders. Cascara bark is seen drying on the porches of the cottages.
It was founded by Gustaf Lindberg of Tacoma in 1911 who built a shingle mill, sawmill, and logging camp. In 1917, he added a store, schoolhouse, and fifteen brick homes. In 1918 much of the community burned, was rebuilt, and then named Lindberg. Mr. Lindberg lost his ownership through financial reverses and the name was changed to Millberg for the new owner whose name was Miller. Later the name was changed to the present name for its location. In addition to these three names, the place was called Glenavon by the Tacoma Eastern Railway.