The site of the British marines’ camp between 1860 and 1872. It is entered through the Davis-Crook farm. The English blockhouse, a small log structure, with an overhanging upper story set diagonally across a lower room, stands at the border of Garrison Bay, which the grounds overlook. Two crumbling old buildings, reputedly the barracks and commissary occupied by the British, still mark the campsite.
A path leads up a hill to the British occupation monument, which marks the former site of the residence occupied by Captain Delacombe, British post commander.
English Camp today is operated and maintained by the National Park Service as part of the San Juan Island National Historic Park. Several buildings, including the barracks, the commissary and the blockhouse, have been restored and/or partially reconstructed. The barracks are open from June through August. Admission is free and walking tour brochures are on hand.