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Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center

Past Heart o’ the Hills the road continues nearly a dozen miles to the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center, which sits at an elevation over 5200 feet.

This Olympic National Park ridge extends from Hurricane Hill to Obstruction Point south of Port Angeles. It is a popular tourist destination for it can be reached by road from Port Angeles.

This peak, with an elevation of 5,757 feet is near the head of Hurricane Creek three miles east of the Elwha Reservoir in east central Clallam County. It has been used as a forest fire lookout by the National Park Service. The name was given by early prospectors for the frequent, violent winds in the vicinity. Prior to 1916 the name Old Hurricane was in use. The Press Exploring Expedition of 1899 called it Mount Eldridge for William C. Eldridge of Washington D. C. Wood notes that at one time a road was laid to its summit but has now been replaced by a trail.

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Humes Ranch Cabin

The Humes Cabin was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977. The Humes cabin is located along the Humes Ranch Trail, approximately 2.5 miles from the trailhead at Whiskey Bend, in the Elwha River drainage, in Olympic National Park. It is sited in a gently sloping, mountain terrace at the edge of a clearing, about 100 feet from the Elwha River flood plain, within the rain drenched mountainous interior of the Olympic Peninsula. Dovetail-notched logs form the main body of the small, one-story structure, built as a residence for early settlers in one of the most remote parts of this country. Originally a complex of several buildings, this log cabin and clearing is all that remains as evidence of these early settlers.

Michael’s Cabin

The Michael Cabin is an excellent example of log cabin construction featuring fine, hand-crafted, saddle-notched corners. It represents an era of recreational use of the interior Olympic Mountains by individuals who eked out a living accommodating those wealthy or adventurous enough to enjoy the “wilds” of the peninsula. It is one of the only three extant cabins inside the National Park boundaries that were built for private recreational sport hunting/fishing use.
