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Hurricane Ridge

This 40 mile side trip travels high up into the Olympic Mountains affording a spectacular introduction to the National Park.

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Heart o’ the Hills, entry point to the Park and a popular recreational center on placid Lake Dawn, at the foot of triple-peaked Mount Angeles, with its many snowfields and glaciers. Near Heart o’ the Hills, Klahane Gardens once boasted nearly 3,000 blooming flowers and shrubs, including 300 varieties of lilies and 100 kinds of heather. Snowbirds, partridges, peacocks, and swans were found in the zoological gardens. Although Klahane Gardens...

Learn more about Heart O the Hills Ranger Station

Past Heart o’ the Hills the road continues nearly a dozen miles to the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center, which sits at an elevation over 5200 feet. This Olympic National Park ridge extends from Hurricane Hill to Obstruction Point south of Port Angeles. It is a popular tourist destination for it can be reached by road from Port Angeles. This peak, with an elevation of 5,757 feet is near the head...

Learn more about Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center
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Humes Ranch Cabin

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Michael’s Cabin