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Over Orient, looms First Thought Mountain. The town was at first called Noto, then Morgan, but was ultimately named for the near-by Orient Mine. The rise in the price of gold in 1935 brought about renewed activities in mines near Orient.

It was founded in 1902 by the Orient Improvement Company and platted by that corporation in 1903.

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Orient Bridge

Constructed in July of 1909, this 180-foot pin connected Parker steel truss bridge replaced three deteriorated timber Howe and King trusses which were built across the river in 1908. The Orient Bridge was one of three bridges that the Sheely Contracting Company constructed over the Kettle River in 1909 at a cost of $11,500. Of the three bridges built in 1909, the Orient Bridge is the longest span, and the only one with its original piers completely intact. The use of the arched top chord increased the rigidity of the bridge, and consequently enabled the construction of longer spans. For example, the Orient Bridge is 30 feet longer than the maximum length customarily used for the basic Pratt truss.