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Pack Demonstration Forest

The Pack Demonstration Forest was established in 1926 on 2,000 acres of land donated by Charles Lathrop Pack to the University of Washington. The Forestry School of the University, had accommodations and facilities for 42 students, and was in session here during spring and summer quarters. The curriculum included surveying, erosion control, forestry and conservation, laboratory work in entomology, and a field trip to the Wind River Nursery.

The Charles Lathrop Pack Demonstration Forest is used for University of Washington graduate and undergraduate academic programs, research, conferences, continuing education and public outreach. Terrain ranges from flat to steep (grades up to 100 percent), elevations from 600 to 2000 feet. The forest is predominantly Douglas fir, with some red alder, hemlock and cedar; there are meadow environments, streams, wetlands and ponds.

On exhibition at the gatehouse and entrance is a section of a large Douglas fir log with 727 rings. Adjacent are a model of the forest and an erosion model, contrasting wooded with denuded hills.