In the narrow valley of Pine Creek, a self-sufficient modern town, is the marketing and servicing center for a prosperous farming area. Numerous stores, cafes, garages, and other business structures flank the main street from which side streets, bordered with locust, maple, and poplar trees, lead eastward to the residential part of town.
Points of Interest
Texaco Gas Station
This 1923 Texaco Gas Station, originally called the Central Service Station, operated until the 1980s. The building was restored in 2004 and reopened as the Rosalia Visitor Resource and Interpretation Center, listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Washington Heritage Register. Across S. Whitman St. is a historic street clock.
Steptoe Battlefield Site
A short distance east of the highway is the hill where Lieutenant-Colonel Edward J. Steptoe and his troops made a stand against the Palouse Native Americans and their allies on May 17, 1858. Early in May the expedition, consisting of part of a company of infantry with two howitzers and three companies of dragoons, set out from Walla Walla to march through the Palouse country, in search of the Native Americans who had raided the Walla Walla Valley in April, and to investigate conditions in the Spokane and Colville areas. Finding that the northern tribes were hostile and united, and feeling that his troops were inadequately armed, Colonel Steptoe decided to withdraw. Before this withdrawal could be accomplished, however, the Native Americans attacked. After a fight-and-retreat running battle in which both sides suffered casualties, the troops escaped under cover of darkness from the hill where they had made their final stand, crossed Ingossomen Creek, now called Pine Creek, and dashed southward across the Snake River to safety. To commemorate the Battle of Te-Hots-Nim-Me, or the Battle of Rosalia as this skirmish is usually called, a five-acre tract has been set aside on the hill to form Steptoe Memorial Park. In the center of the park is a 26-foot monument of blue-gray granite, polished to the smoothness of glass. Some of the old settlers say that the battle was actually fought a mile southwest of the monument and that the fortified army camp was a mile north of it.
Points of Interest
Texaco Gas Station
This 1923 Texaco Gas Station, originally called the Central Service Station, operated until the 1980s. The building was restored in 2004 and reopened as the Rosalia Visitor Resource and Interpretation Center, listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Washington Heritage Register. Across S. Whitman St. is a historic street clock.
Steptoe Battlefield Site
A short distance east of the highway is the hill where Lieutenant-Colonel Edward J. Steptoe and his troops made a stand against the Palouse Native Americans and their allies on May 17, 1858. Early in May the expedition, consisting of part of a company of infantry with two howitzers and three companies of dragoons, set out from Walla Walla to march through the Palouse country, in search of the Native Americans who had raided the Walla Walla Valley in April, and to investigate conditions in the Spokane and Colville areas. Finding that the northern tribes were hostile and united, and feeling that his troops were inadequately armed, Colonel Steptoe decided to withdraw. Before this withdrawal could be accomplished, however, the Native Americans attacked. After a fight-and-retreat running battle in which both sides suffered casualties, the troops escaped under cover of darkness from the hill where they had made their final stand, crossed Ingossomen Creek, now called Pine Creek, and dashed southward across the Snake River to safety. To commemorate the Battle of Te-Hots-Nim-Me, or the Battle of Rosalia as this skirmish is usually called, a five-acre tract has been set aside on the hill to form Steptoe Memorial Park. In the center of the park is a 26-foot monument of blue-gray granite, polished to the smoothness of glass. Some of the old settlers say that the battle was actually fought a mile southwest of the monument and that the fortified army camp was a mile north of it.
Rosalia is part of the following tour legs:
Spokane to Collins House
Rosalia is part of the following tours:
Idaho Line to Collins House
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