Idaho Line to Spokane
The northern section of the route winds through sparsely settled foothill country cut by small streams, dotted with lakes, and interspersed with prairies and shallow valleys. A hundred years ago these hills were covered with open forests of lodgepole and ponderosa pine, tamarack, and fir; the prairies were unbroken expanses of bunch grass; and the watercourses ran full and clear.
This leg of the tour has 10 waypoints and 1 side trip tours
Key Waypoints along Idaho Line to Spokane
All waypoints on this leg
Side trips along Idaho Line to Spokane
Mount Spokane
This 40-mile trip takes you up to Mount Spokane, and at the summit, the stone Vista House, a historic warming hut with fantastic views.
Side trips along Idaho Line to Spokane
There are no side trips along this tour leg.
Spokane to Collins House
This section of US 195, known as the Inland Empire, or Palouse Highway, traverses one of the most fertile farming areas in the United States. Practically the entire route runs through rolling hills, treeless except for clumps of willow and brush along the creeks and in the swampy lowlands.
This leg of the tour has 21 waypoints and 7 side trip tours
Key Waypoints along Spokane to Collins House
The major city of the Inland Empire of Washington, Spokane sits at the falls of the Spokane River 90 miles... Visit
All waypoints on this leg
- Spokane
- Latah Creek
- Latah Formation
- Palouse Area
- Spangle
- Plaza
- Rosalia
- Rosalia Railroad Bridge
- Thornton
- Thorn Creek
- Cashup
- Steptoe
- Dry Creek
- Colfax ★
- David McNab Barn
- James Kenoyer Farm
- Lloyd Bush Barn
- Pullman
- Colton
- Uniontown
- Collins House
★ Mainstreet Community
Side trips along Spokane to Collins House
This 100-mile-route takes you through several small towns featuring distinctive historic buildings, including a bank by famed Eastern Washington architects Cutter and Malmgren, a brick schoolhouse and community center-turned-event venue, and a well-preserved 1886 Queen Anne-style home.
Inland Empire
A 45-mile loop through a variety of towns and featuring interesting structures—including a rare, well-preserved, pioneer-era log cabin, a flour mill, a city hall, and the home of historically notable state politician, Robert Crampton McCroskey—that eventually reconnects with the main...
Steptoe Butte
This 20-mile side trip takes you up a dramatically beautiful granite and basalt hill that affords a vast view of the Palouse.
Saint John
This 88-mile trip features a former prosperous shipping and marketing railroad town, plus several grand barns brimming with local history.
This 86-mile route guides you through an area of large farms, usually planted to wheat. At widely spaced intervals are farmhouses, flanked by huge barns. Long steep grades, sweeping curves, and stretches of level road mark the route.
This 32-mile trip takes you to two waypoints, one of which is the historically rich town of Palouse, once a farming and trade center with many pioneer-era buildings still a part of the community.
Side trips along Spokane to Collins House
There are no side trips along this tour leg.