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Snoqualmie River

The Snoqualmie River was named for a tribe of Indians who dwelt on this slope. Edmond S. Meany, historian, in giving the origin of the word, said: “The Whites have softened the native word sdob-dwahlb-bluh (Ind. “moon”) which refers to the legend that their people came from the moon.” Indian legend asserts that Si’Beow, the beaver, climbed to the sky, brought the trees and fire to earth, set the sun for daylight, and created the Snoqualmie. This river rises in three branches: The South Fork rises near Snoqualmie pass; the Middle Fork near Summit Lake at the crest of the Cascades, and the North Fork in Lake Kanim. The branches merge east of Snoqualmie Falls and the river flows north and northwest in a winding pattern into Snohomish County, where it joins the Skykomish River southwest of Monroe and forms the Snohomish River.

The highway crosses the South Fork Snoqualmie River, traverses a flat plateau covered with meadows where herds of cattle graze. Rustic shake fences of interlocking split-cedar rails line the roadside, and lonely farm-houses occasionally appear.