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This 16 mile side trip drives through residential communities developed along Lake Washington to downtown Bothell.

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The state's 2nd largest natural lake, covering 22,138 acres with 58 miles of shoreline, borders Seattle on the west shore, and extends nearly twenty miles north from Renton to Kenmore. The lake's south end is largely industrial and the north end is mostly residential. The city of Bellevue occupies much of its eastern shore. It came into existence during the glacial period, when a prehistoric stream was dammed by a...

Learn more about Lake Washington

Mile: 32

On the Sammamish River near the northern end of Lake Washington, was named for the Bothell family, which started a logging camp and shingle mill here in 1886 and platted the town two years later. Early-day transportation was by steamer down the narrow stream and across the lake to Seattle. By the 1940s the town drew its income largely from dairying and farming. An earlier name was Brackett's Landing. Today...

Learn more about Bothell
Points of Interest
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Anderson School

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Bothell’s First Schoolhouse

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Beckstrom Log Cabin

Mile: 10