Laurier to Spokane
This tour extends between Laurier and Spokane through narrow mountain valleys in the rugged Colville National Forest crossing the Columbia River and following the twisting Kettle River.
This leg of the tour has 23 waypoints and 3 side trip tours
Key Waypoints along Laurier to Spokane
A group of white-painted houses, dominated by the customhouse, a large structure in Colonial style. Here are the personnel of... Visit
Kettle Falls
Kettle Falls, on the Columbia River, is below the mouth of the Kettle River. It was an important salmon fishing... Visit
Side trips along Laurier to Spokane
This 160 mile side trip follows Sherman Pass Scenic Byway. The side trip connects with Tour 7. The round trip to Republic is 2 hours.
American Fort Colville
This 6 mile side trip leads out to the former site of Fort Colville where a heritage marker identifies the location.
Tshimakain Mission
This 22 mile side trip extends out to a monument marking the site of the former 1838 Tshimakain Mission.
Side trips along Laurier to Spokane
There are no side trips along this tour leg.
Spokane to Pasco
This tour extends between Spokane and Pasco through coulees and through wheat fields along the flat open landscape of the Palouse.
This leg of the tour has 15 waypoints and 2 side trip tours
Key Waypoints along Spokane to Pasco
The major city of the Inland Empire of Washington, Spokane sits at the falls of the Spokane River 90 miles... Visit
The town was named for William H. Marshall who filed a homestead on January 9, 1880. The company, Marshall &... Visit
Platted in a triangle, with its base on the Northern Pacific Railway. It is a pleasant busy town. Several railroad... Visit
Named for General John W. Sprague, director of the Northern Pacific Railway. The town is laid out at a 45-degree... Visit
All waypoints on this leg
- Spokane
- Marshall
- Cheney
- Hog Canyon Creek
- Tyler
- Sprague
- Sprague Lake
- Cow Creek
- Ritzville
- Paha
- Lind
- Connell
- Rye Grass Flat
- Eltopia
- Pasco ★
★ Mainstreet Community
Side trips along Spokane to Pasco
Medical Lake
The 18 mile side trip zigzags through a bunch-grass and farming area, occasionally spotted with clumps of bull pine out to Silver and Medical lakes.
Side trips along Spokane to Pasco
There are no side trips along this tour leg.