Canadian Border to Swauk Creek
The tour follows the Okanogan Trails Scenic Byway through a variety of terrain ranging from rugged mountain valleys to arid coulees.
This leg of the tour has 36 waypoints and 13 side trip tours
Key Waypoints along Canadian Border to Swauk Creek
The Customhouse at the International Line, is the central building of an attractive group surrounded by artfully landscaped grounds. The... Visit
Cut by the curve of the Okanogan River, is the largest town in the north-central part of the State. The... Visit
The center of government in Okanogan County since 1915, it is also headquarters for the Chelan National Forest. Though less... Visit
The name is a modification of Tsill-anne, the Native American name for the lake, meaning deep water. The town is... Visit
Swauk Creek
This is another important placer-mining community, at a point where the highway gradually emerges from the shade of the ravine... Visit
All waypoints on this leg
- Customhouse
- Osoyoos Lake
- Oroville
- Okanogan Valley
- Whiskey Range
- Ellisford
- Tonasket
- Wagon Road Coulee
- Riverside
- Robinson Flat
- Omak
- Okanogan
- Malott
- Chillowist Trail
- Brewster
- Pateros
- Starr
- Azwell
- Chelan
- Lakeside
- Knapp Coulee
- Winesap
- Entiat
- Entiat River Bar
- Lincoln Rock
- Birch Flat
- Sunnyslope
- Monitor
- West Monitor Bridge
- Cashmere
- Dryden
- Ingalls Creek Lodge
- Blewett
- Shaser
- Mineral Springs
- Swauk Creek
Side trips along Canadian Border to Swauk Creek
The 25 mile loop extends out through narrow mountain valleys below Chopaka Mountain and reconnects with the main tour.
Coulee Corridor
This 171 mile side trip follows the Coulee Corridor Scenic Byway through central Washington and connects with some of the state’s best bird watching areas.
This 36 mile side trip travels out to the remains of what was once the wildest, toughest mining camp in the State.
Fort Okanogan
This 10 mile side trip has connects to the park and interpretive center for Old Fort Okanogan.
This 20 mile side trip extends out to a community that developed as a landing point for boats along the Columbia River.
Methow Valley
This 66 mile side trip passes through farmland and orchards as it winds through the scenic Methow River Valley.
Chelan Falls
This 8 mile side trip descends into the stark Chelan River Gorge to reach the small settlement of Chelan Falls.
Entiat Valley
This 22 mile side trip climbs up the narrow Entiat Valley walled in by steep mountains broken by narrow gorges.
Old Blewett Pass
This 11-mile route runs across the original pass and reconnects with the tour. A twisting climb takes you to the pass, reaching 4,071 feet, where you can look out over the Yakima Valley.
Side trips along Canadian Border to Swauk Creek
There are no side trips along this tour leg.
Swauk Creek to Maryhill
This tour follows the Yakima River through both narrow, rugged and expansive agricultural valleys as the river shaped the area’s development patterns. The tour climbs the Horse Heaven hills between the Yakima River Valley and the Columbia River Gorge.
This leg of the tour has 25 waypoints and 5 side trip tours
Key Waypoints along Swauk Creek to Maryhill
Swauk Creek
This is another important placer-mining community, at a point where the highway gradually emerges from the shade of the ravine... Visit
On the Yakima River at the geographic center of the great Yakima Valley, the town owes its growth to the... Visit
For many years it was the headquarters of Yakama Indian Reservation. The surrounding area is extremely fertile. In 1885, the... Visit
The seat of Klickitat County. Brick buildings, new and ancient, front on the well-paved main street. Loggers, farmers, mill-men in... Visit
Maryhill State Park
Maryhill State Park features a 99-acre camping area with 4,700 feet of shoreline along the Columbia River. The State obtained... Visit
All waypoints on this leg
- Swauk Creek
- Horse Canyon
- Reecer Creek
- Ellensburg ★
- Holmes
- Thrall
- Umtanum
- Yakima Canyon
- Wymer
- Roza
- Pomona
- Yakima River Ford
- Selah ★
- Yakima ★
- Union Gap
- Yakama Nation
- Parker
- Yakama Nation Cultural Center
- Toppenish
- Toppenish Ridge
- Satus Pass
- Goldendale
- Davies Pass
- Maryhill Junction
- Maryhill State Park
★ Mainstreet Community
Side trips along Swauk Creek to Maryhill
Saint Josephs Mission
This 24-mile trip takes you through the Ahtanum Valley to Saint Joseph’s Mission along Bachelor Creek at the head of the valley.
Stonehenge Maryhill Loops
This 10 mile side trip loops out to the remarkable historic roadway and memorial.
Side trips along Swauk Creek to Maryhill
There are no side trips along this tour leg.